Informed Consent for Independent Study E-Course

Purpose of the Course: 

The Making Meaning After Infertility e-course is designed to provide educational support to individuals and couples who are at the end of their fertility journey. This course aims to help participants process their experience using principles from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). The course will include psychoeducation, practical exercises, and emotional processing tools for navigating complex emotions such as grief, anger, guilt, shame and ambivalence and support participants in redefining purpose and building meaning from their experiences.

Course Structure:

● The course consists of 12 modules

● Participants will receive weekly homework assignments and video supplements.

● This course is self-paced, and participants are encouraged to engage with the materials

at their own pace.

● Participants in the Making Meaning After Infertility e-course will have the opportunity to join a monthly support group for continued connection and community. This group is designed to offer a safe space for individuals and couples to share their experiences, insights, and challenges. This group is not a substitute for individual or couples therapy.

Not a Substitute for Therapy: 

While this course provides emotional support and tools for processing difficult feelings, it is not a substitute for individual or couples therapy. This course is designed as a self-guided educational resource, not as therapeutic intervention or counseling. If you feel the need for additional emotional or mental health support at any point during the course, it is your responsibility to secure your own licensed mental health professional for independent therapy. Participation in this course does not create a therapeutic relationship between you and the course facilitator.


● The course does not involve individual or group therapy sessions, and there will be no sharing of personal information with other participants.

● Any personal information you choose to share in the course forums (if applicable) is done at your discretion. It is recommended that you maintain appropriate boundaries in such spaces.

Voluntary Participation and Right to Withdraw: 

Your participation in this e-course is voluntary. You have the right to withdraw from the course at any time.

Risks and Benefits:

● Potential Risks: Engaging in this course may bring up difficult emotions related to your fertility journey, such as grief, anger, sadness, and ambivalence. It is important to monitor your emotional well-being and seek professional help if needed.

● Potential Benefits: You may gain insights and coping strategies to help make meaning after infertility, improve emotional regulation, and enhance acceptance of your current life situation.

Contact Information for Crisis Support: 

This course is not intended to provide crisis intervention. If you are in distress or experiencing a mental health emergency, please contact a local licensed therapist, call your local emergency services, or contact a crisis hotline.

Acknowledgment of Understanding: 

By signing this form, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the following:

● This course is not therapy, and the course facilitator is not acting as your therapist.

● You are responsible for seeking out therapy if you feel you need additional mental health support.

● You understand the potential risks and benefits of participating in this course.

● You are voluntarily participating in this e-course and have the right to withdraw at any time.